Urban Mushing

Links and Resources for running with your dogs

What is Urban Mushing?

Urban mushing is running behind a small dog team on foot, scooter, bike, cart, skies, or sled in areas near your home. Any healthy dog that is 30lbs or greater can participate and teams can be as small as one dog. The goal is recreation and exercise for your dog with the emphasis on always creating a positive and rewarding experience. The terrain, mode of transport (foot, scooter, cart, etc), pace, and distance must be adjusted to accommodate the abilities of your team and maximize their enjoyment.

Urban mushing will strengthen the bond between you and your dog while improving their mental and physical health. It will help unruly dogs become cooperative, curb destructive tendencies, help dogs overcome depression and boredom, improve your dog's life and yours too! We all need a purpose, dogs were born to run and work in a pack. Urban mushing is a great way to help them do just that.

This site will help you get started by showing you how to begin training your dog, what equipment you will need and where to find it. But most importantly, this site will help you locate communities of active mushers that can introduce you and your dog to the sport first hand and safely get started on a wonderful journey for you and your dog.

This site is maintained by bayareaurbanmushers.org as a resource to the mushing community and out of a desire to improve the lives of dogs and their humans everywhere. If you have suggestions, corrections, or would like to add your organization to the site, please contact the admin.